Our Faith and Strength - Table of Contents

by Rabbi Naftali Hoffner
By Topic | By Chapter | Introduction | Subject Index
Out of love for us, the Almighty has directed us to follow His commandments and steer clear of the prohibitions - in accordance with our covenant at Mount Sinai - in order to attain real happiness. However, because of human limitations, this means many challenges have to be met - in our private life as well as part of Klal Yisroel.
At at time when considerable parts of our people stand confused when faced with threats to their existence as Jews - this manual OUR FAITH AND STRENGTH can help us:
- to assess the purpose and the challenges of our life;
- to serve as a guide for the Torah Jew - living and working in the modern world;
- to acquaint us with the very clear answers of our Sages to problems facing us as individuals and as part of Klal Yisroel.
NOTE: Due to complicated interlinking among files, it was not feasible to split up the documents containing this book. As a result you should be forewarned that the book itself is 156 kb of text, the subject index is 91 kb and the footnotes are 47 kb.

- The Most Important Challenge of Life
- Predestiny
- Success in Life
- Trust
- Reward and Punishment in This and the Coming World
- Relative Recompense
- Troubles
- Repentance
- Atonement
- Communal Punishment
- Index
- Purpose of Life
- Freedom of Choice Between Good and Evil
- Choice of Endeavor
- Choice of Endeavor for the Future
- Freedom of Choice and Its Limits
- When Even An Emissary Is Punishable.
- Inability to Repent
- Non-Repentance in History
- How to Avoid Restrictions on Free Will
- What Has Been Decreed Before Birth
- What Is Decreed at Birth
- Self-Determined Fate and Divine Providence
- When Negative Destiny Is Overridden
- What Determines Success in Life
- Lasting Success - From Heaven
- Human Effort and Divine Providence
- Consequences of Success
- Trials and Trust
- Trust in the Almighty
- Lack of Trust
- Punishment for Lack of Trust
- Reward and Punishment in This World
- The World-To-Come
- Retribution for the Wicked and the Righteous
- Where Mitzvoth Are Rewarded
- Where Sins Are Punished
- Relative Recompense
- Mitzvoth for Love or Fear of The Almighty
- Appropriate Reward
- Appropriate Punishment
- Punishment by Heaven-Sent Death
- Punishment for Evil Thoughts
- What Regret May Cause
- Judgement During the Ten Days of Repentance
- Prosperity of the Wicked
- Troubles of the Righteous
- Reason for Suffering
- Reaction to Suffering
- Punishment of Others Because of You
- When Prayers Are Answered
- When Prayers Are Not Answered
- Indication That Prayer Is Accepted
- Importance of Repentance
- What to Regret
- How to Repent
- Prompt Repentance
- Time for Stock-Taking
- Repentance in Stages
- How to Avoid Forbidden Talk
- Repentance for Evil-Talk
- Repentance for Believing Evil-Talk
- If Unsuccessful in Repenting
- Help With Repentance
- Atonement Nowadays
- Atonement for Wrong-Doing
- Atonement Through Torah Study
- Atonement With Money
- Atonement Through Suffering
- Atonement After Death
- Who Has No Share in The Coming World
- When Even Repentance Does Not Atone
- Punishment of a Son for His Father's Sin
- Antisemitism And Its Significance
- Reacting To Antisemitism
- How To Prevent Communal Punishment
- Punishment Of Nations
Written by Rabbi Naftali Hoffner
HTML Design: Michael Treblow
© Copyright 1994 by Naftali Hoffner and/or Mosad Eliezer Hoffner
Published by Mosad Eliezer Hoffner; P.O.B. 6303 Tel Aviv
Distributed by Feldheim Publishers
Web Edition Courtesy of Ohr Somayach International
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other-wise, without prior permission in writting from the publishers
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